Episode 46: How to be Motivated

Treldon Layne

Treldon Layne

Treldon Layne is 43 years of age and is a resident of Freeport, Central Trinidad. He has always displayed a passion for motivational speaking and inspiring others. Treldon believes the world today can be a negative place, and motivation is needed now more than ever, especially for the new generation. He also enjoys writing motivational quotes, and he is the founder of Treldon's Greetings, a unique greeting line that was created with the intention to inspire individuals. 

He has written two books of poetry entitled “They Stole It, I Must Replace It” and “Rise Up and Bolt Forward.” The National Registry of Cultural Workers has recognized Treldon as an artiste in the field of poetry. He was mentored by the renowned Ms. Renee Cummings, through The Ministry of Arts and Multiculturalism. The famous Kenny Philips taught Treldon recording engineering and he has had over 200 contact hours. 

The gift of songwriting comes naturally to Treldon, and he was able to hone his skills under the tutelage of Dr. Winsford Devine, who has written songs for famous artistes such as The Mighty Sparrow, Baron, and Machel Montano. On completing a mentoring course with Dr. Devine, his advice to Treldon was to find a singer to launch his composed song, and work together to become known in the public. Treldon heeded this advice and eventually sought out upcoming singer K. Prince, who became his first client, and after that, he ventured into the field of managing artistes. 

Currently, Treldon is the writer of a motivational column for the Guardian Newspaper, and has been approached by a popular radio station to produce a Motivational Minute segment. With his company Treldon Layne Management Group, he hopes to manage more artistes and to continue inspiring persons to become happy in their daily lives.

Podcast Transcript:

Damaged Parents: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Relatively Damaged Podcast by Damaged Parents. Where insubstantial, shallow, empty people come to learn. Maybe just, maybe we're all a little bit damaged. Someone once told me it's safe to assume. 50% of the people I meet are struggling and feel wounded in some way. I would venture to say it's closer to 100%.

Every one of us is either currently struggling or has struggled with something that made us feel less than like we aren't good enough. We aren't capable. We are relatively damaged. And that's what we're here to talk about. In my ongoing investigation of the damage self, I want to better understand how others view their own challenges. Maybe it's not so much about the damage. Maybe it's about our perception and how we deal with it.

There is a deep commitment to becoming who we are meant to be. How do you do that? How do you find balance after a damaging experience? My hero is the damaged person. The one who faces seemingly insurmountable odds to come out on the other side whole those who stare directly into the face of adversity with unyielding persistence to discover their purpose.

These are the people who inspire me to be more fully me, not in spite of my trials, but because of them. Let's hear from another hero.

Today's topic includes sensitive material, which may not be appropriate for children. This podcast is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended as advice. The opinions expressed here are strictly those of the person who gave them.

Today, we're going to talk with Treldon Layne. He has many roles in his life, motivator wise man business person, and more. We'll talk about how he wasn't the favorite person in the room and how he needed to take steps to learn and grow and how he found health and healing let's talk


Stop. This particular episode is close to my heart and contains a tremendous amount of wisdom. If you struggle with either my accent or Treldon's , please go to www.damagedparents.com/podcast and read the transcript. I promise you will gain insight. 

Welcome to Relatively Damaged by Damaged Parents. Today, we have Treldon Lane. He is from Freeport Central Trinidad. He is an amazing man who has written two poetry books, one called They Stole It I Must Replace It. The second Rise Up and Bolt Forward. He is also a motivational speaker. He writes a motivational column for the Guardian Newspaper and has been approached to produce a show called Motivational Minutes Segment.

He also has this company Treldon Lane Management Group. Treldon we're so glad to have you here today.

Treldon Layne: [00:03:01] Thank you. Thank you Miss Angela and how are you?

Damaged Parents: [00:03:03] Ah, yeah, I'm good. Thank you now. One of the things that you said is that you believe the world can be in a negative place and motivation is needed now more than ever. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

 Treldon Layne: [00:03:23] I mean, COVID-19 is just a side effect of what I think we, as a society are going through I think, as the world

of working on ourselves and once we lack self or substance everything else lacks. So, for me, it's understanding your instrument of who you are, which is your soul, your being. And once you understand who you are, you can be in a better position to predict the future

The future is only be predicted yes by the present, but what's in the past is already done. So you can change your future by now. And the reason why this is an important I think that we need to find self because most of the problem starts with who we are.

 Damaged Parents: [00:04:21] What I hear you saying is that. We can change the future by deciding who we are right now. And that will change who we are in the future.

Treldon Layne: [00:04:31] because only power we have offer is now at present we don't have power over the past. The only thing that we can control is our present. And once you understand that we can shape our future in a more way that can be more fine tuned to a better life. And my recommendation is for you to find a better life.

Damaged Parents: [00:04:57] right. So your goal is to help people become better or at least what they want to become

Treldon Layne: [00:05:05] Yeah,

trying to have them on substance inside, because once I believe that once you understand your substance, that's half of your journey. Knowing what you need to do to march forward And know what you need to do is being decisive.

Damaged Parents: [00:05:21] Okay. So when you figure out who you are and what you're meant to do, then you can be decisive. In the steps that you take to get to where you want to go.

Treldon Layne: [00:05:33] Correct? You are correct.

Damaged Parents: [00:05:34] Okay. So I am betting that there was a struggle that you went through so that you could learn these things. Would you tell us about that?

Treldon Layne: [00:05:44] Definitely I grew up people, my majority of my village as my colleagues, my friends, I was always like never the favorite person  in the room.  I wouldn't lie it left a bitter taste in my mouth. And if I didn't take the steps to work on myself, fine tuned myself, I could have been worse than I am now. But at that?

point in my life, I have to give credit to Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah Winfrey came up with a bunch of them to inspire audience and she taught me the benefit of finding self.

Damaged Parents: [00:06:26] So by watching her show, you were able to take a look inside to see who you were.


Treldon Layne: [00:06:35] She was modeling me modeling me  in a selective sense from that age I learned the value of finding self and I got to tell you something when you are hurt by someone else It's really a bad place to be. But I can say that I learned from it, I marched forward and I persevered.

Damaged Parents: [00:06:57] And when you were in the middle of the struggle. Right. And was it. It sounds almost like by watching Oprah, that's how you were able to find hope and keep moving forward.

Treldon Layne: [00:07:13] Oprah was voices for me.

 My reality in my life  showed me that there's a bigger world out there. And I learned the value of self.

Damaged Parents: [00:07:24] Right. Which I think is fantastic, that a show from, by a woman who I think genuinely cares about humanity was able to inspire you. And now you are working to inspire others.

Treldon Layne: [00:07:41] That's correct. And that's my goal and that's my drive to moving forward.

Damaged Parents: [00:07:47] Now can you explain to the audience what Treldon's Greetings does?

Treldon Layne: [00:07:53] Treldon's Greetings does something that Oprah Winfrey strives to achieve through show to inspire my audience who buys my cards. Should have medium of motivation to Treldon's Greetings is a greeting card  company that is still sends the word of very mind mind altering words of mine mindful words to really inspire our audience to sit at I can sell a greeting card and at the same time. I can make you feel good.

I am in the business of making my audience feel good my bio I have this line that I came up with. This is a tagline always do things to please you. So by you buying my card, we are there to make you happy and make you smile. Cause we're there to serve you. And please you

Damaged Parents: [00:08:48] Okay. So when people buy these cards there, do they receive something in the mail or is it just, they buy these motivational quotes to remind them of what you want to give them? I'm not sure if I'm saying that right.

 Treldon Layne: [00:09:05] It's actually itself within a store to the buyer and the customer will buy the card and they may give it to the loved one. So that same card of what they have bought. There'll be a sense of more motivation now note to inspire their loved ones that they can move forward and persevere. Treldon's Greetings is it's a line that seeks to motivate my buyers.

my, My clientele the value of. certain good messages out there because we all know our messages stand by what we do. We send good messages out there.

Damaged Parents: [00:09:42] Which it sounds great because you already touch one person in the store and then if they make that a gift, it's two people that you've impacted. And I think that's really beautiful.

Treldon Layne: [00:09:57] Thank you very much.

Damaged Parents: [00:09:58] Yeah, no problem. I'm wondering. If they are poetic, greetings, if you will, or motivational thoughts, because you wrote those two books of poetry.

Treldon Layne: [00:10:12] Um I use my words to inspire my audience and the two books that I have written will first book be in. They Stole It, I Must  Replace It. And the tagline is a compassionate stroll for willpower and self and my second book is. Rise Up and Bolt Forward. That second book was dedicated to my parents who have been very instrumental in my life. And also a man who took me from not being a writer, made me a writer Evan Short. He was the one very instrumental in shaping my profession as a writer.

Damaged Parents: [00:10:54] I think it's really interesting, especially both. Titles. I'm wondering though, what were you speaking of when you said They Stole It I Must Replace It?

 Treldon Layne: [00:11:06] What are referring to now in life? We all lost something or lose something. So this book was saying they stole it, they stole my right to live. They stole my right to be who I am, but me as an individual it's good to replace it. I am not going to wait for them to replace it.

but I am going to replace what is rightfully mine. So the way I felt anger whereby I would try to do violence, but they try to say, hey, I will take a stand to replace what was stolen from me?

Damaged Parents: [00:11:43] It's almost like you are taking responsibility for what you create from now on and not giving away that power to the people who hurt you.

Treldon Layne: [00:11:58] Correct.

Damaged Parents: [00:11:59] And I think that takes courage. How did you find that courage?

Treldon Layne: [00:12:05] Because I learned something in life. When somebody takes something from you it's very unlikely. They'll give it back to you. So that courage cames

to be a realist. I understand that I needed oh I needed to replace it once I marched forward because a lot of things were stolen from me, but I took that chance to replace and I mean writing on Twitter,

on Twitter and you see what my wife is saying there. Being a man of wisdom. They wanted to work a lot with me? They didn't really go through

So they wanted me to go in a farm I only come on when to speak on what motivational topics in schools. Yes, I have been disadvantaged in life. But I claimed it back and I made it my own

Damaged Parents: [00:12:57] By owning it and taking responsibility for your future. It sounds like that is when things really started to shift for you.

Treldon Layne: [00:13:08] Correct. 

Damaged Parents: [00:13:10] I was starting to wonder out loud how others could do that find that courage. Right. How do you teach them?

Treldon Layne: [00:13:20] I think it's having faith itself because I believe this is my core being, once you understand yourself, You can do anything else. If you don't know yourself you'll do Anything, let me give you an illustration. Let's say you are new to Trinidad Tobago and you want to go to San Fernando. That's a different path of Trinidad and you're new to my country, actually Tobago

how do you get there? How can you get there? If you have a map. Will not that map take you from point A to point B. Yes, it will. That's the benefit of mapping our ourselves, mapping lives.  Because once we map our life, I mean, map who we are. We can be in a better position to predict what, if

any road will take you there. So you have to be, I'm going to use the word faith to signify. To make that hard decision to move forward.

Damaged Parents: [00:14:22] Yeah, and that can be scary at first,

Treldon Layne: [00:14:27] It can be scary because let me tell you why. Most things when

we don't know about it. You are normal. We are a bunch of human beings. We are, cause that is something we don't, we don't know who was when it happened, but if we inadvertently how can we understand it? How can we move forward? How can we walk with them will not that unknown become known.

Damaged Parents: [00:14:55] Right.

Treldon Layne: [00:14:57] We have to work at it. So I learned that early in my life  I was a wise guy. To understand that yes, I had been misadvantaged with fortunes but the point is that I took claim of my life forward. I didn't sit back and say give it back to me. Let me go And beat you. Let me go and kill you. Let me go and murder you. I took my losses and I rebuild my life piece by piece.

Damaged Parents: [00:15:23] And it sounds like when you stepped out of wanting someone else  to take care of it and you took charge that you were stepping away from being a victim to really be an empowered, to move forward. And what. Not that what they did didn't matter. It's just, it, wasn't going to rule your life anymore.

Treldon Layne: [00:15:46] Because I recognize if I was trying to tell my people who rub me the

wrong way to to be nice to give it back to me that it would have been a struggle and uphill battle. I left them alone. I walked my road of shame.  I reclaim my life. Today many people who were against me are somewhat becoming friends to me. And the point I'm making to you is that I took my loss and I marched forward and I persevered.

Damaged Parents: [00:16:17] Yeah. And if you would have held onto the loss, then you wouldn't have been able to move forward. Yes. The days would have passed, but you wouldn't have learned and grown.

Treldon Layne: [00:16:31] Correct, because I became wiser. I became more sympathetic. I became more understanding. I became more tough Imma very tough cookie I don't crumble very easily, very, very tough.

Damaged Parents: [00:16:45] So you also learned then to set clear boundaries and it doesn't because just moving forward doesn't mean people are going to walk all over you.

 Treldon Layne: [00:16:57] Because if I don't like something, I will, I wouldn't tolerate it. I will totally reject it. And I will say I'm not socialize. Because to me. Life is about being happy and it don't make sense. You know, to people who are very aggressive and don't appreciate you as a person.

Damaged Parents: [00:17:13] That's a really great point now. I love this idea that you actually, before I go on to that was Rise Up and Bolt I'm thinking that's even more of your journey of taking ownership of who you are in standing up. And saying, yeah, you know what? Stand up and go forward. But bolt forward when you say bolt B O L T forward, I'm thinking not just rise up and walk forward, I'm thinking rise up and run like the wind.

And you got this, you're going to be successful. Is that what you had in mind when you wrote that title?

Treldon Layne: [00:17:54] Yes. And that's actually was not written by me, it was written by my editor who recommended I change the title her name is Gita Naipaul. Naipaul family. We write different things. Gita Dubay Naipaul. And she came up with that title I can't claim it. I'm not going to claim it. I claimed it now in the sense that was Shakespeare to me, after she read my work, she said, this is the title was best suited  for the book.  So yes I did. I did move forward. I didn't sit back, but I continued and I persevered. 

Damaged Parents: [00:18:26] And that really seems like your main message is get up, get moving. And you've got this.

Treldon Layne: [00:18:35] Correct,

Damaged Parents: [00:18:36] Now you are also in addition to that, a songwriter.

Treldon Layne: [00:18:41] Right. I am. I am. Yes, I am. And understand this now I have a song I released called um, My Story it's going to be on all platform for sale all luxury platform for sale like Amazon.

Damaged Parents: [00:18:58] Spotify, all the big ones.

Treldon Layne: [00:19:01] Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be a little bit of my story. The artist is just Josiah the Psalmist like Psalm Psalmist, you search him and you can buy them and send me a comment. I wrote that song and I'm so proud about that song. I love that song.

Damaged Parents: [00:19:18] So  it's literally a part of your personal story that. The artist Josiah is, singing or rapping or.

Treldon Layne: [00:19:28] He is a singer because I interviewed him I normally make songs for other people well, I interviewed him for that song. So I got his concept and I presented him with the song. But being a songwriter, being an author of any book you're still somewhat giving your opinion, your word choice. So yes, it's partially me writing the song, but I did interview the Josiah the Psalmist to get his thoughts on what he wants to the song.

Damaged Parents: [00:19:59] Okay, so you are telling his story. And what I also heard you say is there's no possible way. That you could fully help write someone else's song without including parts of you because of the words you would choose.

Treldon Layne: [00:20:17] Let me tell this to you every writer that gives their own perspective of things. That's a quote I've written

is on Twitter, Treldon Layne on Twitter a quote every author gives their own perspective I think. Even the Bible, God gave his own perspective on things and by what He puts in the Bible is, the how they perceive the world and what they want to portray to the world.

Damaged Parents: [00:20:45] Yeah. So that's a. Interesting perspective, because as I even read fictional books, I truly believe an author can't help, but put part of who they are in they're writing. And even if I, we do our best to not even in this interview, right. It would be. Impossible for me as interviewing you to not have some ideas and thoughts about what to ask, which come from history and my experiences.


Treldon Layne: [00:21:22] Correct correct. Over history, we find who we are in the future. Our history makes with who we are. So we are defined by what the past did we are defined by that, but we have to really find our path for the future.

Damaged Parents: [00:21:40] Right. So even though we have the past and it, it does impact and define part of who we are. Right now it doesn't have to stay that way.

Treldon Layne: [00:21:51] Nope, because I believe that even though the past, maybe can rub you the wrong way. You can transform the future by what you do now, the only time the future can be changed is by what you do now, you have the capacity to change your world by what you do. I know! Nobody else has that power but you.

Damaged Parents: [00:22:21] Okay. You know what podcasts done that was the answer. I'd never have to interview anyone again.

Treldon Layne: [00:22:27] Wow. Thank you Angela 

Damaged Parents: [00:22:30] that was a fantastic quote. No, I'm just, we're not done yet, but I wanted to, I did want to say that because it's, so it just really resonated with me what you said, and I'm grateful for that. Now, other thing that you do, I just am fascinated because you are so creative and just determined to spread good words to the world.

And in part of that, you're also working with Dr. Winsford Divine,

Treldon Layne: [00:23:07] Yes.

Damaged Parents: [00:23:08] The Mighty Sparrow Baron. Is it Michelle Matano does that? How I.

Treldon Layne: [00:23:14] Michelle

Damaged Parents: [00:23:15] I said, I almost said it right. Michelle Montano and really like trying to help manage these people and be successful. Not trying, I don't want it. Let me repeat that.

What I see you doing is because you also have the Treldon management group. And so you're managing artists and continuing to inspire people. And I'm thinking even the artists needs inspiration sometimes.

Treldon Layne: [00:23:41] Correct. Trust me to do that. Not everybody can have an up day everybody have a down day

Damaged Parents: [00:23:48] yeah. Everybody has a bad day. Yeah. Isn't that true? So, how  Do you help to motivate when someone is in that tough day, in that bad day, or I'm going to shift that because I'm not sure bad moments half to last all day. What are your thoughts?

Treldon Layne: [00:24:08] If someone's having a bad day, I think give them time, let them sort out what they're going through again. If you don't know what your problems, so what their going through, they can't really solve it. So you have to somewhat help them to find out what is affecting them. And once you out, what affected them, you can use whatever you find out to be of an aid, to help them. Because if you don't literally um,

Damaged Parents: [00:24:40] Understand

Treldon Layne: [00:24:41] I understand what they're going through

Damaged Parents: [00:24:42] right.

Treldon Layne: [00:24:49] You kind of, you kind of can't. You have to look to you have to understand I'm I've learned something more misconception in this world is formed by not being understood. If you understand someone, will not your perspective on them change?

Whatever you want to become. And if we sincerely as human beings  start being judgmental instead be understanding will not will not our society be better. When we constantly find faults for our problems and conflict problems will only give you problems. We all know where to solve a problem is by you being decisive enough to change, what you are going through and the next thing you have to do is to understand because more misconception, is form by not being understood. So I have to ask you a question to your audience, do you understand people?

And once you understand people, your life view will change.

Damaged Parents: [00:25:47] You know, that brings to mind a thought and I'd like to talk about it with you is someone once said to not use the word, understand in the sense of saying I understand and. I'm thinking that while I might understand, I need to show that I understand by using my words and instead of saying, oh, I understand.

Because then I'm assuming that I do understand instead, maybe repeat back what I see. And then that gives me understanding. Does that make sense?

Treldon Layne: [00:26:30] Correct. Because if you understand someone, you will be more likely here is where I use more likely to befriend that person, to make that person your friend, again, if you don't understand someone it is very highly, you will,  not be the friend, but if you understand their will and said Hey, I understand you. I become your friend.

If we don't understand each other, that's where by not being understood. So the very first thing you have to do as an individual seeing that all of us on a quest, all of us on a journey. Understand each other. And once we understand each other our perspective, it definitely, I guarantee you. It's called a change by that singular thought of understanding.

Damaged Parents: [00:27:22] so I'm going to, because I want to show you that I understand when I understand you then, because I understand. And know what you're trying to get across, then my perspective can change about you. And maybe not before that.

Treldon Layne: [00:27:41] Because, I mean, that's true understanding that because we have to understand because everybody has a story through your podcast, you are realizing  we all have a story. So why not embrace our stories, understand each other.

Come to a more mature agreement and say hey we can be friends. I can befriend you. I can love you. I'm going to appreciate you That's facts first by you understanding .

Damaged Parents: [00:28:09] Right. And you also, now we could. Let's say that we didn't start our  we weren't connected in such a nice way. Right? Let's say there was a conflict.

Treldon Layne: [00:28:23] Okay.

Damaged Parents: [00:28:23] Now, if I come to you instead of fostering, That's what, yeah, I think that's the word I want to use instead of pursuing the conflict, then instead I come to you and say, Hey Treldon,  what's up?

You know, What was your intention when you did this? And then you tell me, I'm thinking. That's going to help me more than being like, Hey, Treldon, I can't believe you were a jerk the other day right? Which you weren't I don't think you're a jerk. You've been very nice to me. I'm just trying to give an example that yeah.

The two different ways that when conflict happens, how we can come together instead of be pushed apart.

Treldon Layne: [00:29:09] I think we need to want it.  And  wanting peace

Damaged Parents: [00:29:14] Okay. Wanting peace

Treldon Layne: [00:29:16] Correct  . We also want it. You have to seek it. And if we seek peace when you're peaceful, all you will want is peace for someone else. You can actually be a happy person and you are bitter and angry. That's the opposite of being happy. How can that be happiness. That's the oxymoron of happiness. Being bitter that's a fact. Being bitter that's a fact We need to demonstrate peace because we have  to move forward. Peace is all that matters in this world today.

We are somewhat in a crisis. Everybody is bitter, and angry, and resentful, and frightful, but what I want to ask you a question Are you happy? Happy. what decision or what action are you taking for yourself to make yourself unhappy. Because you are unhappy

By you being resentful because you can never be a peaceful person and be bitter and angry

angry and resentful. It makes no sense to me.

Damaged Parents: [00:30:21] Yeah. Okay. Three things you want the listeners to walk away with from this podcast, it could be a tip or a tool, or just a thought that you want to make sure they think about.

Treldon Layne: [00:30:35] I think firstly, I have to give a plug. Subscribe, go to Twitter  follow me on Twitter, follow me on Facebook. Treldon Layne that's called my name I'm in public domain. Follow me. I am on  Instagram and I post stuff there. I post wisdom there. And what I want to say to you as an individual, don't be so consumed by money and what money can do.

Money does not equate happiness. It don't work equates happiness is you understanding the instrument of who you are. And once you understand the instrument of who you are, you can move forward because you understand what you are. You cannot go down a road you don't  know if you don't know where you are going. Any road will take you there., but if you understand your road, will not your road become easier, lighter, more at peace. I want you to understand is this high time, high time to work on one self and once you work on oneself, you can conquer the very essence of who you are because the very 

essence of who you are, starts with you. Nobody else. And once you to understand that you can make purposeful movement to march forward again, work on yourself and understand yourself. That's my statement or my mantra. I want to give you work on one self.

Damaged Parents: [00:32:07] I love it. Treldon I am so glad we got to have conversation today. I'm honored to have you on the show.

Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Relatively Damaged by Damaged Parents. We've really enjoyed talking to Treldon Layne about how he learned to look within and how he found wisdom. We especially liked when he spoke so passionately about how much he wants everyone to find what he has found. To unite with other damaged people connect with us on Facebook look for damaged parents will be here next week still relatively damaged see you then.


Episode 47: Be Simply Me


Episode 45: We are Stardust